Web Site Generator


When I was two years old, I was diagnosed with high-functioning autism. My parents were told that I would never go to regular school or get a high school diploma. Once my parents were told that I would never have a regular education, they knew to never give up on me and that they needed to prove many people wrong. After years of hardwork and dedication, I was able to overcome these obstacles and never gave up on anything that I set my mind to.

I am currently attending Miami Arts Studio in the Technical Production magnet strand. When I was in the 8th grade, I got my first laptop so that I could do my school work. As I used it, I wondered how these different programs worked and how I could use them to better my future. A few months later, I applied for Miami Arts Studio so that I can learn about more on these programs and start working to my future in technical production and digital media.

Graphic and Web Design

Designing web pages for companies and corporations in order to promote their buisnesses and showcase my creativity.

Volunteering for the Autism Society of Florida

I want to continue my involvement with the Autism Society of Florida and become a part of their board. Bringing awareness to schools.

College Education

Pursue a 4 year education from an accredited university and ear a bachelors degree in web and graphic design.


Create my own business in web and graphic design where I can mentor children with autism at a young age to introduce them to computers.